

We are excited to support Fibroid Awareness Month in Texas by wearing white to honor and embolden women suffering from uterine fibroids. We encourage you to show off your white on social media with the Hashtag #wearwhiteTX and tag our collaboration on Facebook and IG at @TxWearWhite.

In addition, please reach out to your US Representative and Senator to ask them to support the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act. This will provide $150 million to the National Institute of Health to address the fibroids public health crisis. Download template for the email language or see below.

Find your US Representative here:

Email Template

STJ Uterine Fibroid Research Education Act

Dear _____:

As a constituent of (name state), I wanted to tell you about the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act and why I hope the (Senator or Representative and their last name) will add their name as a supporter.  This bill is especially important to me because (individual should complete this sentence as to why they care about this issue). 

As you may know, uterine fibroids are one of the most common gynecological conditions nationwide with approximately 26 million individuals in the U.S. from ages 15 to 50 have fibroids. Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus and symptoms may include severe menstrual bleeding, anemia, fatigue, pain, bladder or bowel dysfunction, impaired fertility, and pregnancy complications and loss. Black women are at increased risk for the disease compared to white women, tend to get fibroids at a younger age, and suffer more severe symptoms. Fibroids are costly in terms of impact on women’s health and lives, and are also estimated to cost the health care system $5.9 billion to $34.4 billion annually.

The bill seeks to improve uterine fibroid research funding, expand federal data on fibroids, and increase public education.  A coalition of organizations have given their support: American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, March of Dimes, Black Women’s Health Imperative, Society for Women’s Health Research, The White Dress Project, The Fibroid Foundation, CARE About Fibroids, HealthyWomen, and the National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women.

I urge (Senator or Representative and their last name) to support this bill and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide more information on why this bill is so important.


(Constituent name)

We Need Your Help!

This July, join us statewide as we raise awareness about uterine fibroids and protect women’s health in our communities. 

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